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Richard Rohr Inspired Retreat, Holy Rood House, Centre for Health & Pastoral Care, 10 Sowerby Rd. Thirsk. YO7 1HX. The Divine Dance; Trinity and Transformation. Led by Revd Ian Spencer and UrsMattman these popular four day retreats of Fr Richard Rohr OFM include talks, time for reflection and discussion, meditation, imagination exercises, liturgy ...
Art After Hours. The Courthouse, 4 Westgate YO7 1QS. Art After Hours is a membership-based open studio session, held every Thursday from 6pm to 8pm at Rural Arts. As a member of Art After Hours, you will have full access to the studio at Rural Arts and our equipment, subject to an induction, including the potter’s wheel, printing press, and other ...
Two Day Wooden Spoon Workshop. The Courthouse, 4 Westgate YO7 1QS. Using simple hand tools and traditional techniques, you will learn how to carve a wooden spoon from log to finished spoon. This workshop is a perfect introduction to green wood working. In this workshop, you will cover green woodworking fundamentals. For more information click ...
Positivity & Poetry Workshop. Rural Arts, The Courthouse, 4 Westgate YO7 1QS. This January, we’re offering a series of empowering workshops designed to nurture your wellbeing and support you through the darker months. Treat yourself to some much needed self care and join us for a workshop that will leave you feeling refreshed and ready to take ...
New Year Retreat. Holy Rood House, Centre for Health & Pastoral Care, 10 Sowerby Rd. Thirsk. YO7 1HX. A retreat with Revd Sue Hammersley, Revd Sibylle Batten and the Holy Rood House Community. Join our New Year celebration with reflections to assist the year ahead, creative times and good food. Fri 3rd 4pm - Sun 5th 2pm. For more information ...
New Yarnbombers Display. Thirsk Market Place. The Yarnbombers have significantly contributed to the town's cultural landscape, fostering community spirit and attracting visitors to the area. Christmas-themed knitting and crocheting around the town. For more information click here
House & Architecture Tour. Thirsk Hall, Kirkgate YO7 1PL. An exclusive insight into the Hall’s history. Led by 18th century historian, Dr Helen Metcalfe, guests are guided through the rooms of the house before sitting down to enjoy refreshments served in The Old Dining Room with a Q&A session. 11am, duration 1½hrs. £20. For more information ...
Ceramics and Handpan. Rural Arts The Courthouse, 4 Westgate, Thirsk YO7 1QS. A relaxing afternoon of creativity with ceramicist Amy and musician Joe Jordon. Make beautiful candle holders while enjoying live handpan music. 1.30pm - 3.30pm. £30. For more information click ...
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