The location for Floral Tributes is the clock in the centre of Thirsk Market Place. This will be managed by Thirsk Rotary Club. The physical book of condolence will be at Saint Mary’s Church. For anyone that cannot make it to St Mary's church and/or would like to leave an entry in the on-line book of condolences, please see below …

'Comments datafile not found!
CommentsStack stores comments and ratings within a flat-file plain text file, which acts as your database. A new comments datafile has been generated for you. Please reload this webpage to complete the setup. You may need to reload the page twice.', 'name_missing' => 'Please provide your name.', 'rating_missing' => 'Please provide a rating.', 'reviewtitle_missing' => 'Please can you try that again !', //'url_invalid' => 'Invalid URL.', 'message_missing' => 'Please enter your message.', 'math_invalid' => 'Wrong maths answer.', 'spammer' => 'Spammer test failed.', 'max_length_name' => 'The name supplied is too long. Please shorten it.', //'max_length_url' => 'Maximum character length for guest URL is ' . $max_length_url, '$max_length_reviewtitle' => 'Please can you try that again !', 'max_length_message' => 'Maximum character length for guest message is ' . $max_length_message, 'no_content' => 'Be the first to comment!' ); $cookie_name = "commentstack-001"; $cookie_value = "submitted"; // END CONFIGURATION // Set default timezone to adjust the timestamp. // => date_default_timezone_set($time_zone); // Functions to create and/or update the content of the TXT file (our database) function create_or_update_file($file_path, $data) { $handle = fopen($file_path, 'w') or die('Cannot open file: ' . $file_path); fwrite($handle, $data); } // Filter HTML outputs. // The rest will appear as plain HTML entities to prevent XSS. // => function filter_html($data) { return preg_replace( array( '/<(\/?)(b|blockquote|br|em|i|ins|mark|q|strong|u)>/i', // Allowed HTML tags '/<center>/', // Deprecated
tag '/<\/center>/', // Deprecated
tag '/&([a-zA-Z]+|\#[0-9]+);/' // Symbols ), array( '<$1$2>', '
', '
', '&$1;' ), $data); } // Redefine database name via URL to load // Load database-002.txt => http://localhost/guestbook/index.php&data=database-002 if(isset($_GET['data'])) { $database = $_GET['data']; } // Redefine database ratings via URL to load // Load database-002.txt => http://localhost/guestbook/index.php&data=database-002 if(isset($_GET['data'])) { $database_ratings = $_GET['data']; } // Check whether the "database" is not available. If not, create one! if( ! file_exists($database . '.txt')) { // Prevent guest to create new database via `data=database-XXX` in URL // Only administrator can do this by editing the `$database` value if( ! isset($_GET['data'])) { create_or_update_file($database . '.txt', ""); echo "

" . $error_messages['database_missing'] . "

"; } return false; } else { $old_data = file_get_contents($database . '.txt'); } // Check whether the "database-ratings" is not available. If not, create one! if( ! file_exists($database_ratings . '.txt')) { if( ! isset($_GET['data'])) { create_or_update_file($database_ratings . '.txt', ""); echo "

" . $error_messages['database_missing'] . "

"; } return false; } else { $old_ratings_data = file_get_contents($database_ratings . '.txt'); } /** * Post a message */ $error = ""; // error messages if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { // Make sure the honeypot is empty. if(isset($_POST['specialtitle']) && empty($_POST['specialtitle'])) { $name = ""; $rating = ""; //$url = ""; $reviewtitle = ""; $user_comments = ""; $timestamp = date('U'); // Make sure the guest name is not empty. if(isset($_POST['name']) && ! empty($_POST['name'])) { $name = strip_tags($_POST['name']); } else { $error .= "

" . $error_messages['name_missing'] . "

"; } // Make sure the review title is not empty. if(isset($_POST['reviewtitle']) && ! empty($_POST['reviewtitle'])) { $reviewtitle = strip_tags($_POST['reviewtitle']); } else { $error .= "

" . $error_messages['reviewtitle_missing'] . "

"; } // Make sure the guest message is not empty. if(isset($_POST['message']) && ! empty($_POST['message'])) { $user_comments = preg_replace( array( '/[\n\r]{4,}/', // [1] '/\n/', '/[\r\t]/', '/ {2}/', // Multiple space characters '/  |  /', '/(.*?)<\/a>/i' // Match links ), array( '

', '
', '', '  ', '  ', '$6' // Unlink all links in message content! ), $_POST['message']); $user_comments = htmlentities($user_comments, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); // [2] } else { $error .= "

" . $error_messages['message_missing'] . "

"; } // Check for character length limit if(strlen($name) > $max_length_name) $error .= "

" . $error_messages['max_length_name'] . "

"; //if(strlen($url) > $max_length_url) $error .= "

" . $error_messages['max_length_url'] . "

"; if(strlen($reviewtitle) > $max_length_reviewtitle) $error .= "

" . $error_messages['$max_length_reviewtitle'] . "

"; if(strlen($user_comments) > $max_length_message) $error .= "

" . $error_messages['max_length_message'] . "

"; // If all data entered by guest is valid, insert new data! if($error === "" ) { // Main database $new_data = $name . "\n" . $rating . "\n" . $reviewtitle . "\n" . $user_comments . "\n" . $timestamp; if( ! empty($old_data)) { create_or_update_file($database . '.txt', $new_data . "\n\n==\n" . $old_data); // Prepend data } else { create_or_update_file($database . '.txt', $new_data); // Insert data } // Ratings database $new_ratings_data = $rating . "\n"; if( ! empty($old_ratings_data)) { create_or_update_file($database_ratings . '.txt', $new_ratings_data . $old_ratings_data); // Prepend data } else { create_or_update_file($database_ratings . '.txt', $new_ratings_data); // Insert data } // Set the tracking cookie, if enabled setcookie($cookie_name, $cookie_value, time() + (31557600 * 30), "/"); // 86400 = 1 day // Redirect on submission echo ""; // Send email notification, if enabled $to = '[email protected]'; $subject = 'Book Of Condolences'; $message = "A new comment has been posted to"; $message .= "
"; $message .= "


"; $message .= "


"; $message .= "


"; $message .= "


"; $message .= "


"; // Email header information $header = "From: [email protected]\r\n"; $header .= "Reply-To: [email protected]\r\n"; $header .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $header .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\n"; $retval = mail ($to,$subject,$message,$header); if( $retval == true ) { // Email sent } else{ // Problem with email sending } } else { // else, print the error messages. echo $error; } } } // [3] $_SESSION['guest_name'] = isset($_POST['name']) ? $_POST['name'] : ""; $_SESSION['guest_rating'] = isset($_POST['rating']) ? $_POST['rating'] : ""; //$_SESSION['guest_url'] = isset($_POST['url']) ? $_POST['url'] : "http://"; $_SESSION['guest_reviewtitle'] = isset($_POST['reviewtitle']) ? $_POST['reviewtitle'] : ""; $_SESSION['guest_message'] = isset($_POST['message']) && $error != "" ? htmlentities($_POST['message'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') : ""; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // [1]. Prevent guest to type too many line break symbols. // People usually do these thing to make their SPAM messages looks striking. // [2]. Convert all HTML tags into HTML entities. This is done thoroughly for safety. // We can revert back the escaped HTML into normal HTML tags later via `filter_html()` // [3]. Save the form data into session. So if something goes wrong, the data entered // by guest will still be stored in the form after submitting. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Testing... // echo $math . ' = ' . $_SESSION['math']; /** * Show the existing data. */ $data = file_get_contents($database . '.txt'); $current_page = isset($_GET['page']) ? $_GET['page'] : 1; $nav = ""; if( ! empty($data)) { $data = explode("\n\n==\n", $data); $total_pages = ceil(count($data) / $per_page); // Create navigation if the number of pages is more than 1. if($total_pages > 1) { for($i = 0; $i < $total_pages; $i++) { if($current_page == ($i + 1)) { $nav .= "
  • " . ($i + 1) . "
  • "; // Disabled navigation } else { $nav .= "
  • " . ($i + 1) . "
  • "; } } } for($i = 0; $i < count($data); $i++) { $item = explode("\n", $data[$i]); // Permalink (single item) // http://localhost/guestbook/index.php&data=database-001&guest=0123456789 if(isset($_GET['guest']) && preg_match('/[0-9]+/', $_GET['guest'])) { if($item[4] == $_GET['guest']) { echo " \n"; echo "
    \n"; echo "
    \n"; echo "
    \n"; echo $item[0]; echo " \n
    \n"; echo " "; echo " "; echo " "; echo " "; echo " "; echo " \n
    \n"; echo "
    " . $item[2] . "
    \n"; echo " " . filter_html($item[3]) . "\n"; echo "
    \n"; echo " \n"; } // Normal list } else { if($i <= ($per_page * $current_page) - 1 && $i > ($per_page * ($current_page - 1)) - 1) { echo "
    \n"; echo "
    \n"; echo "
    \n"; echo $item[0]; echo " \n
    \n"; echo " "; echo " "; echo " "; echo " "; echo " "; echo " \n
    \n"; echo "
    " . $item[2] . "
    \n"; echo " " . filter_html($item[3]) . "\n"; echo "
    \n"; } } } } else { echo "
    \n"; echo " \n"; echo " " . $error_messages['no_content'] . "\n"; echo "
    \n"; } // Hide form if user has already submitted it and there is a tracking cookie if(!isset($_COOKIE[$cookie_name])) { // No cookie, so do nothing } else { echo ""; } ?>
    0 / 1000

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    Thirsk Town Council
    1, Roses Yd, Market Pl, Thirsk YO7 1LH



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