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Mosaic Garden Plaque

Mosaic Garden Plaque

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Design a mosaic garden plaque to place in your garden or outside your home. Using vitreous glass and French porcelain, you will learn the intricate process of making mosaics.

In this workshop you’ll learn the process of making mosaics, with tips on design and style as well as lots of inspiration available. This workshop is particularly for those who have done a beginners class in Mosaics before and now wish to grow on their skills.

The workshop will be run by artist Sue Kershaw, whose designs feature sometimes thousands of intricate, hand-cut pieces known as tesserae. These pieces range from teacup shards made from Ganges clay that were collected in India, to seashore glass from Sicily. Gold leaf, aicis glass and French porcelain are also present throughout her work.

Date: Saturday, July 1, 2023 Time: 10am - 4pm Venue: The Courthouse Price: £65

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Thirsk Town Council
1, Roses Yd, Market Pl, Thirsk YO7 1LH



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